This is
the part where I am 'supposed' to write all these nice comments
n shit about my IRC friends. Well, this time I am going to
break a few rules. Muhahaha. BTW: i love everyone listed here
equal, so dont be offended if someone ugly is on top of yew
( sorry
bout the pics...they will look better when i resize them :)
Todles is a reformed bi-sexual from Perf. He is now reformed
because he now only has sex with boys. Thats correct, Ryan
likes little kids for the same reason I do. Not having to
floss once your finished ;)
Noodal is everything that I want to be. From raping freshly
sheared naked sheep to faunicating with headless pineapples.
Neil is from Sydney well, a shit part of Sydney anyways. Shit,
because it takes ages for me to get there to rape him with
|-nate-| is a wanker with ugly chars in his nick. Noodal helps
him on occasions by giving his grass nutricious vomit. There
is a long story behind that incident, so juz ask noods. Nathan
is training to be an olympic skateboarder.
Zeffrin wants to play me @ pool. Should i tell him the truth
about how bad my game is? He is also the guy you should send
you pic to. No matter how beastly you are, he thinks your
rewtable :P
Julie_ is my netwh0r3. She is also a bimbo. Maybe thats why
she wants me :P
is my real life good mate Shane. He is Australian champion
boxer for his weight class and can give himself headjobs.
Megz has
every sex tool available. The only problem is she cannot use
them as they are 'for novelty use only'. Megz is from Perf
and wants to become a gynochologist for her local nursing
Coz likes holdens. Alot. She humped her brother in one.
sits on my face when she comes to radio. Unfortuantly, Paula
is yet to hook me up with one of her friends. bitch.
likes to threaten people via email. He also likes raving,
which is the reason he is my ho3. Go Hard.
Andriod likes to fart. Not only that, he likes to share the
explicit details about the smell size shape and velocity it
is travelling.
FaGL is
gai. He is Rax1's personnal smegma pimple popper.
Swat2 likes computer crime. Problem is, he hasn't had lessons
in doing it :P
was one of the first people I met from AUSTnet. He and I used
to trade warez back in 96 on the network. We were so lame.
UZI likes
to hack0r shells and make bots that ignore all my commands.
likes bourban and telling off UZI. He also likes underdeveloped
is a ho3. Her car is better than mine, she fights better than
me. She sux.
is a lesbian sea-horse.
lives in an area of sluts. What a sick cunt.
Whyte_Wolf i think his name is Ben. Ummm, forgot where he
cryptic_girl is a diver. She likes black men and big penis'.
When she grows up she wants to be cremated next to 2pac.
is a tri-sexual hip hop loving backstreet boys fan. He is
a regular viewer of wheel of fortune and wants to make love
to the first clone of himself.
Grungee is my favourite Genital. He is the kewlest pshycopath
I know. He wants to be a quality control agent for his local
drug dealer.
Bahamut has three testicles. One for each penis.
Puggles' life ambition is to work @ a dildo factory and test
_all_ the dildo's before they are put on the shelf.
Ant0ny is Puggles ho3. He can outsmart me too easily so I
want comment on him. I will however say he takes school too
seriously. I think he should be a dentist.
I cant believe this ho3 has the same access as me! Ah well.
If I goto melb, least I know there is guaranteed pussy ;)
Remy likes hardcore pornography and wants to open a factory
that copies bootleg videos.
Mooshie has just lost alot of weight. That doesn't do much
for her face.
was the only guy from the net that I was scared to piss off.
Since his hair has grown back, im not scared :P
Sirbest loves younger woman. He often goes to the maternity
ward and puts deposits on the new born babies for use in 10
years time.
is a sick cunt.
has been a good mate for a _long_ time. He and I go back for
ages. Bruce is acually a pig fucker. He likes to root anything
that smells like bacon. I am convinced he is shagging Mooshie.
Then again, who isn't?
All the
rest hate me so *unF*
is the the only person I know besides rax1 that owns a sucessfull
channel and never visits it! He is a fireman from Texas and
likes chicks with extra body parts.
Tray is
probably the best scripter I know. He loves aussie chix and
is saving to move here just so he can smell their seats in
the local pubs.
current Aussie love:
Sure you may
say she looks nice, but she also likes to fuck her dog. Yes
that's right, this beautiful young lady makes love to her
pet german shepherd. Not only that, she tells Tray IN DETAIL
about it. No wonder he likes her so much.
ofh is
the lamest bot i know *giggle*
is a sick cunt. Although he uses vIRC. Something wrong bouy!
is the lamest cunt on this channel. Thats why I loves him.
hates me......ho3.
is still crying over me taking his channel.
was the sick cunt that got me added to the database. He and
I have been friends on AUSTnet for about 2 years.
Gef :]
to those i haven't mentioned. I kinda got hungry and had to
stop typing.