Now the
section we have all been waiting for....pr0n!
These are all pics of current or ex girlfriends of mine ;)
I _know_
you will enjoy them, cuz i did *giggle*

I took
this pic in a motel room that I rented in Sydney. These girls
are all sisters and _love_ to put on a show :)

I took
this one whilst having a bath in the same motel room.
They sed
I was taking too long *shrug*

I think
it looks better wide *laugh*

This is
my sister Rachelle. She is practising her gymnastics in this
picture...isn't she great?
is Rachelle again getting ready for school. I think mum must
have been ironing her uniform ;)
is mum.
was always a little camera shy.
on the other hand...
always wanted me to treat her like a dog. So i gave her a
had a nice....personality?