
m0r3 about meeee! :P~


p33ps and info from our favourite network :)

dew 3y3 m4k3 y3w horn3y b4b33?

crappy webpages juz like this one ;)

somewhere to bomb ;)



AUSTnet is Australia's second biggest IRC network. Second to OZ.ORG which is a really gai network anyways. AUSTnet's Cheif Executive Officer is this guy:

Ryan Mills (redtrio) is from Sydney and can be found on #sydney and #verbatim. He is pretty moody, and dont expect him to talk to you when you see him ;)

The reason AUSTnet is as good as it is, is mainly due to its high quality of network services. The person in charge of services is this lady:

Anita Jane, or seecs as we all know her is actually good at linux. My impression for 2 years was she was a clueless dyke!



Oneyed is Kevin. He is from Singapore. 'nuff said.



Lwaxana ........... Sundancer

Im yet to size the images properly. So hold tight, they will look better in a week or so ;)













about me | friends | *giggle* | austnet | nekked | links | email